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#  Falkor ProteOMZ nitrous oxide from expedition (FK160115) in the Central Pacific in 2016
#  PI: Alyson Santoro
#  Version: 2019-08-22
station  latitude  longitude  
11       4         140        
ISO_DateTime_UTC     ctd    niskin   depth   salinity  temperature  n2o_1    n2o_2    n2o_3    n2o_4    n2o_5    
2016-01-29T21:13:00  15     24       6       34.4792   29.0232      6.63606  6.62349  6.71338  nd       nd       
2016-01-29T21:13:00  15     20       21.5    34.4881   29.0513      6.95792  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-29T21:13:00  15     16       52      34.49     29.0557      6.51904  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-29T21:13:00  15     14       70.7    34.5339   29.0574      6.8928   nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-29T21:13:00  15     13       89.5    35.0412   25.4559      12.6282  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-29T21:13:00  15     12       109.1   35.1684   24.029       13.5893  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-29T21:13:00  15     18       40.7    34.4864   29.0523      7.41362  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-29T21:13:00  15     11       119.8   35.1524   23.6788      13.7604  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-29T21:13:00  15     9        175.8   34.9351   13.6994      42.5472  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-29T21:13:00  15     8        199.7   34.918    13.169       46.1512  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-29T21:13:00  15     7        249.9   34.8693   12.3478      51.4826  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-29T21:13:00  15     6        350.5   34.7416   10.5216      45.7498  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-29T21:13:00  15     5        399.5   34.694    9.797        46.2824  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-29T21:13:00  15     4        500.3   34.63     8.4413       50.8851  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-29T21:13:00  15     3        601.8   34.5847   7.1069       48.0976  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-29T21:13:00  15     2        800.3   34.5522   5.5505       40.7261  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-29T21:13:00  15     1        1000.1  34.5645   4.5496       39.4775  nd       nd       nd       nd