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#  Falkor ProteOMZ nitrous oxide from expedition (FK160115) in the Central Pacific in 2016
#  PI: Alyson Santoro
#  Version: 2019-08-22
station  latitude  longitude  
8        10        140        
ISO_DateTime_UTC     ctd    niskin   depth   salinity  temperature  n2o_1    n2o_2    n2o_3    n2o_4    n2o_5    
2016-01-26T15:20:00  10     24       5.1     34.0879   26.9779      9.39616  9.2336   9.23566  nd       nd       
2016-01-26T15:20:00  10     22       41.3    34.1888   26.9277      9.56825  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-26T15:20:00  10     21       60.9    34.3539   19.1578      9.86689  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-26T15:20:00  10     20       80      34.5984   13.7714      82.8538  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-26T15:20:00  10     16       91      34.6479   13.1807      87.4429  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-26T15:20:00  10     15       100.1   34.729    12.6638      97.8884  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-26T15:20:00  10     11       120.3   34.7509   12.1104      87.8981  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-26T15:20:00  10     10       141.4   34.7609   11.6895      70.0428  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-26T15:20:00  10     9        179.7   34.7401   11.2017      63.3464  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-26T15:20:00  10     8        200.7   34.7355   10.9547      61.2951  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-26T15:20:00  10     7        250.9   34.7173   10.4717      53.5989  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-26T15:20:00  10     6        301.7   34.693    10.056       57.0103  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-26T15:20:00  10     5        402.9   34.6303   9.0868       56.4339  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-26T15:20:00  10     4        501.4   34.5806   8.038        50.9995  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-26T15:20:00  10     3        599.2   34.549    7.0899       52.5256  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-26T15:20:00  10     2        800.6   34.5431   5.6099       44.1754  nd       nd       nd       nd       
2016-01-26T15:20:00  10     1        1000    34.56     4.6084       38.798   nd       nd       nd       nd