/BCO-DMO/SEEPC/larval_collections_MOC --cruise_id eq AT29-04,date eq 2015-07-15,depth_range eq 900-550-- Level 3

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#   Deep larval collections, 2012, 2014, 2015
#     MOCNESS collections of invertebrate larvae throughout water colureti   near methane seep sites: Barbados Accretionary Prism, 2012
#                              Gulf of Mexico, 2014
# 			      BlakeRidge, CapeFear 2013
#                              Western Atlantic Margin, 2015
#   CM Young & S. Ma3 [added EN53)
#   version: 2017-02-13 [added EN531 collection data]
#           replaces version: 2016-09-30
cruise_id  year  
AT29-04    2015  
date        site                  lat        lon         
2015-07-15  Norfolk_Canyon        36.87119   -74.47423   
larva_id   larval_type     morphotype  fixation      comments  
1754       BV              5           EtOH          nd        
1755       NE              28          EtOH          nd        
1756       NE              29          EtOH          nd        
1757       NE              30          EtOH          nd        
1758       CY              1           nd            nd        
1759       PL              7           EtOH          nd        
1760       PL              8           EtOH          nd        
1761       OJ              5           EtOH          nd        
1762       CY              1           nd            nd