/BCO-DMO/SW_Pac_N2_fixation/OUTPACE ---- Level 0
# Station location and NO3+NO2 d15N values measured for the OUTPACE long duration (LD) stations.
# PI: Angela Knapp
# Version: 2018-04-11
Date Longitude Latitude Station
20150302 164.5948 -19.2248 Long Duration Station A
20150320 -170.743 -18.179 Long Duration Station B
20150328 -165.8 -18.4912 Long Duration Station C
20150223 162.1248 -18.6078 nd
20150304 168.0118 -19.9832 nd
20150312 -172.7813 -19.5368 nd
20150330 -162.9992 -18.3952 nd