/BCO-DMO/SW_Pac_N2_fixation/OUTPACE --Latitude eq -18.3952-- Level 1

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# Station location and NO3+NO2 d15N values measured for the OUTPACE long duration (LD) stations.
# PI: Angela Knapp
# Version: 2018-04-11
Date              Longitude  Latitude  Station                   
20150330          -162.9992  -18.3952  nd                        
Cast  Depth  Sigma_theta  NO3_NO2  NO3_NO2_d15N  NO3_NO2_d15N_1_SD  
210   201    25.08        3.75     8.4           nd                 
210   401    26.44        18.68    8.6           0.03               
210   651    27.09        30.83    6.6           0.2                
210   1002   27.40        35.95    6.1           0.1                
210   1500   27.58        37.12    5.6           0.1                
210   1999   27.66        37.51    5.6           0.03