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# Seal data measured at time of capture, San Juan Islands, 2007-2008
# Lead PI: Alejandro Acevedo-Gutierrez
# Version: 26 Nov 2012
seal_id  season  date        month  day  year  region        site             age    sex  length  weight  pelage         pregnant  lactating  molt  blood  biopsy  inst    serial_num  inst2  serial_num2  pttno  inst3  serial_num3  comment  
B1695    Spring  04/04/2007  04     04   2007  Bird_Rocks    Bird_Rocks       A      M    140     71.5    Dark_on_light  N         N          N     Y      Y       Mk10F   07A0141     SPOT5  06S0869      35901  nd     nd           lg gash L. hind flipper through to bone - purple top blood to Pheonix labs  
B1696    Spring  04/05/2007  04     05   2007  Bird_Rocks    Bird_Rocks       A      M    149     74.5    Light_on_dark  N         N          N     Y      Y       Mk10F   07A0142     SPOT5  06S0868      35899  nd     nd           nd       
B1697    Spring  04/06/2007  04     06   2007  Bird_Rocks    Bird_Rocks       A      M    150     96.0    Dark_on_light  N         N          N     Y      Y       Mk9     0590188     SPOT5  06S0870      35902  nd     nd           3.6 ml Valium IV  
B1698    Spring  04/06/2007  04     06   2007  Bird_Rocks    Bird_Rocks       A      M    152     90.0    Dark_on_light  N         N          N     Y      Y       Mk9     0590183     SPOT5  06S0871      35903  nd     nd           3.0 ml Valium IM  
B1699    Spring  04/18/2007  04     18   2007  Padilla_Bay   Padilla_Bay      A      M    142     64.0    Dark_on_light  N         N          N     Y      Y       Mk9     0490936     SPOT5  06S0872      35905  nd     nd           nd       
B1700    Spring  04/19/2007  04     19   2007  Belle_Chain   Belle_Rock       A      M    158     110.5   Light_on_dark  N         N          N     Y      Y       Mk9     0490907     VHF    nd           nd     nd     nd           4.0 ml Valium IM; corneal opacity 1/2 R eye; appears to be old scar; corneal opacity 1/4 L eye; epoxy did not set well on Mk9  
B1701    Spring  04/20/2007  04     20   2007  Bird_Rocks    Bird_Rocks       A      M    156     86.0    Dark_on_light  N         N          N     Y      Y       Mk10F   07A0145     SPOT5  06S0854      35908  nd     nd           4.2 ml Valium IM; no choloform in blubber biopsy vial; good physical condition  
B1712    Spring  05/21/2007  05     21   2007  Padilla_Bay   Padilla_Bay      A      M    146     69.0    Dark_on_light  N         N          N     Y      Y       Mk9     0590195     SPOT5  06S0881      35911  nd     nd           nd       
B1713    Spring  05/21/2007  05     21   2007  Padilla_Bay   Padilla_Bay      A      M    135     54.0    Dark_on_light  N         N          N     Y      Y       Mk9     0590186     SPOT5  06S0876      35912  nd     nd           young adult  
B1720    Fall    10/24/2007  10     24   2007  Vendovi       Vendovi_beach    Sad    M    134     53      Dark_on_light  N         N          N     Y      Y       Mk9     0290091     SPOT5  07S0117      76224  nd     nd           ~ 4 years old; >2/3 molted  
B1721    Fall    10/24/2007  10     24   2007  Vendovi       Vendovi_rks      AD     M    150     89      Dark_on_light  N         N          Y     Y      Y       nd      nd          nd     nd           nd     nd     nd           nd       
B1722    Fall    10/24/2007  10     24   2007  Vendovi       Vendovi_rks      AD     M    132     69      Dark_on_light  N         N          Y     Y      Y       nd      nd          nd     nd           nd     nd     nd           nd       
B1723    Fall    11/05/2007  11     05   2007  Vendovi       Vendovi_beach    AD     M    154     103.4   Dark_on_light  N         N          N     Y      Y       Mk9     0290166     SPOT5  07S0118      76225  nd     nd           >2/3 molted  
B1741    Fall    11/19/2007  11     19   2007  Bird_Rocks    Bird_Rocks       AD     M    128     68      Light_on_dark  N         N          N     Y      Y       nd      nd          nd     nd           nd     nd     nd           9.5x3.5 inch open wound on back above pelvis  
B1742    Fall    11/19/2007  11     19   2007  Bird_Rocks    Bird_Rocks       AD     M    163     83      Dark_on_light  N         N          N     Y      Y       Mk10F   07A0143     SPOT5  07S0123      35921  HTR    04M0061      gas anesthesia; see datasheet for details  
B1743    Fall    11/20/2007  11     20   2007  Bird_Rocks    Bird_Rocks       AD     M    150     75.5    Dark_on_light  N         N          N     Y      Y       Mk9     0290092     SPOT5  07S0025      35925  nd     nd           nd       
B1744    Fall    11/20/2007  11     20   2007  Bird_Rocks    Bird_Rocks       AD     M    153     81.5    Light_on_dark  N         N          N     Y      Y       Mk10F   07A0141     SPOT5  07S0124      35922  HTR    03M0100      gas anesthesia; see datasheet for details; corneal opacity R eye; R canine upper and lower broken  
B1745    Winter  01/16/2008  01     16   2008  Bird_Rocks    Bird_Rocks       AD     M    147.5   83      Dark_on_light  N         N          N     Y      Y       Mk10F   07A0142     SPOT5  7S0125       35923  HTR    04M0059      gas anesthesia; good condition  
B1746    Winter  02/25/2008  02     25   2008  Bird_Rocks    Bird_Rocks       AD     M    151     81.0    Dark_on_light  N         N          N     Y      Y       Mk9     0590198     SPOT5  07S0121      76227  nd     nd           nd       
B1747    Winter  03/12/2008  03     12   2008  Belle_Chain   reef_W_of_Tumbo  AD     M    152     80      Dark_on_light  N         N          N     Y      Y       Mk10AF  07A0970     nd     nd           82049  nd     nd           age est >12; L eye corneal opacity; gas anesthesia; see datasheet for details  
B1748    Winter  03/12/2008  03     12   2008  Belle_Chain   Belle_Chain      AD     M    154     86      Light_on_dark  N         N          N     Y      Y       Mk10AF  07A0840     nd     nd           82045  nd     nd           TDR Package was Purple and HTR package was Red; ulceration lateral to R lower canine; broken upper R; difficulty during gas anesthesia; went into dive reflex post extubation  
B1749    Winter  03/12/2008  03     12   2008  Belle_Chain   Belle_Chain      AD     M    154     78      Light_on_dark  N         N          N     Y      Y       Mk10AF  07A0945     nd     nd           82048  nd     nd           would not leave the beach; kept moving up  
B1750    Winter  03/13/2008  03     13   2008  Belle_Chain   Belle_Chain      AD     M    149     80      Dark_on_light  N         N          N     Y      Y       Mk10AF  07A0902     nd     nd           82046  nd     nd           old scar on hind flipper and neck; R lower PC and L 3 PC missing; canines worn  
B1751    Winter  03/13/2008  03     13   2008  Belle_Chain   reef_W_of_Tumbo  AD     M    134     71      Light_on_dark  N         N          N     Y      Y       nd      nd          nd     nd           nd     nd     nd           corneal opacity L eye  
Y1455    Spring  04/04/2007  04     04   2007  Bird_Rocks    Bird_Rocks       A      F    147     76.5    Light_on_dark  Y         N          N     Y      Y       Mk10F   07A0143     SPOT5  06S0867      35898  nd     nd           nd       
Y1456    Spring  04/17/2007  04     17   2007  Padilla_Bay   Padilla_Bay      A      F    139     55.5    Dark_on_light  N         N          N     Y      Y       Mk9     0390888     VHF    nd           nd     nd     nd           vulva loose; may have recently aborted; does not appear pregnant; slightly thin  
Y1457    Spring  04/17/2007  04     17   2007  Padilla_Bay   Padilla_Bay      A      F    131     57.5    Dark_on_light  N         N          N     Y      Y       Mk9     0390866     VHF    nd           nd     nd     nd           vulva loose and bruised; does not appear pregnant  
Y1458    Spring  04/17/2007  04     17   2007  Padilla_Bay   Padilla_Bay      A/Sad  F    128     48.5    Dark_on_light  N         N          N     Y      Y       Mk9     0490906     VHF    nd           nd     nd     nd           vulva appears tight; does not appear pregant; good body condition  
Y1459    Spring  04/19/2007  04     19   2007  Padilla_Bay   Padilla_Bay      A      F    141     83.0    Dark_on_light  Y         N          N     Y      Y       Mk9     0590199     SPOT5  06S0852      35906  nd     nd           nd       
Y1459-2  Winter  02/25/2008  02     25   2008  Vendovi       Vendovi          AD     F    132     64      Dark_on_light  UNK       N          N     Y      Y       Mk9     0590184     SPOT5  07S0120      76226  nd     nd           Pregnant? RECAPTURE Padilla Bay 04/19/07; OY TDR; PTT 35906; could not see biopsy site or tag site  
Y1460    Spring  04/19/2007  04     19   2007  Padilla_Bay   Padilla_Bay      A      F    127     62.5    Dark_on_light  Y         N          N     Y      Y       Mk9     0590189     SPOT5  06S0878      35907  nd     nd           vulva tight; prenant; could feel fetus kick on palpation  
Y1461    Spring  04/19/2007  04     19   2007  Padilla_Bay   Padilla_Bay      Sad    F    121     44.0    Dark_on_light  N         N          N     Y      Y       nd      nd          nd     nd           nd     nd     nd           vulva was loose and bruised; not pregnant  
Y1462    Spring  05/21/2007  05     21   2007  Padilla_Bay   Padilla_Bay      A      F    143     77.5    Dark_on_light  Y         N          N     Y      Y       Mk9     0590190     SPOT5  06S0877      35920  nd     nd           nd       
Y1463    Winter  03/11/2008  03     11   2008  Belle_Chain   Belle_Chain      AD     F    148     61.0    Light_on_dark  N         N          N     Y      Y       nd      nd          nd     nd           nd     nd     nd           does not look pregnant; vulva loose; did not visualize fetus on ultrasound  
Y1464    Spring  05/21/2007  05     21   2007  Padilla_Bay   Padilla_Bay      A      F    143     70.0    Dark_on_light  Y         N          N     Y      Y       nd      nd          nd     nd           nd     nd     nd           green top - plasma taken  
Y1465    Spring  05/21/2007  05     21   2007  Padilla_Bay   Padilla_Bay      A      F    154     103.0   Dark_on_light  Y         N          N     Y      Y       Mk9     0490932     VHF    nd           nd     nd     nd           nd       
Y1466    Spring  05/21/2007  05     21   2007  Padilla_Bay   Padilla_Bay      Sad    F    129     47.0    Dark_on_light  N         N          N     Y      Y       nd      nd          nd     nd           nd     nd     nd           green top - plasma taken; age ~3 yrs  
Y1467    Spring  05/21/2007  05     21   2007  Padilla_Bay   Padilla_Bay      A      F    153     74.0    Light_on_dark  Y         N          N     Y      Y       nd      nd          nd     nd           nd     nd     nd           green top - plasma taken  
Y1468    Spring  05/21/2007  05     21   2007  Padilla_Bay   Padilla_Bay      A      F    141     66.0    Dark_on_light  UNK       N          N     Y      Y       nd      nd          nd     nd           nd     nd     nd           green top - plasma taken; possibly pregnant; didn't feel movement and tighter than normal  
Y1469    Spring  05/21/2007  05     21   2007  Padilla_Bay   Padilla_Bay      A      F    145     85.0    Dark_on_light  Y         N          N     Y      Y       Mk9     0590194     nd     nd           nd     nd     nd           green top - plasma taken; felt pup move  
Y1475    Spring  05/21/2007  05     21   2007  Padilla_Bay   Padilla_Bay      A      F    139     52.0    Light_on_dark  UNK       N          N     Y      Y       nd      nd          nd     nd           nd     nd     nd           green top - plasma taken; does not appear to be pregnant - very loose  
Y1509    Fall    10/24/2007  10     24   2007  Padilla_Bay   Hat_Island       AD     F    146     ~65     Dark_on_light  N         N          Y     Y      Y       nd      nd          nd     nd           nd     nd     nd           6 parallel scars on back  
Y1510    Fall    10/24/2007  10     24   2007  Vendovi       Vendovi_beach    Sad    F    139     48.5    Dark_on_light  N         N          N     Y      Y       Mk9     0290093     SPOT5  07S0116      76223  nd     nd           ~ 4 years old; post partum  
Y1511    Fall    11/05/2007  11     05   2007  Vendovi       Vendovi_beach    AD     F    145     45.5    Light_on_dark  PP        N          Y     Y      Y       nd      nd          nd     nd           nd     nd     nd           nd       
Y1513    Winter  01/30/2008  01     30   2008  Bird_Rocks    Bird_Rocks       AD     F    150     75.5    Dark_on_light  Y         N          N     Y      Y       Mk9     0290157     SPOT5  07S0132      35948  nd     nd           pregnancy confirmed by ultra sound; good body condition  
Y1514    Winter  02/25/2008  02     25   2008  Bird_Rocks    Bird_Rocks       AD     F    138     70.5    Dark_on_light  Y         N          N     Y      Y       Mk9     0590192     SPOT5  07S0131      35947  nd     nd           pregnancy determined by visual examination  
Y1515    Winter  03/11/2008  03     11   2008  Belle_Chain   Belle_Chain      AD     F    142     78.5    Light_on_dark  Y         N          N     Y      Y       Mk10AF  07A0943     nd     nd           82047  nd     nd           fetus visualized on ultrasound  
Y1516    Winter  03/12/2008  03     12   2008  Belle_Chain   reef_W_of_Tumbo  AD     F    139     66      Dark_on_light  UNK       N          Y     Y      Y       nd      nd          nd     nd           nd     nd     nd           appears to be molting; preg status checked with ultrasound; probably not pregnant  
Y1517    Winter  03/13/2008  03     13   2008  Belle_Chain   reef_W_of_Tumbo  AD     F    142     86      Dark_on_light  UNK       N          N     Y      Y       Mk10AF  07A0971     nd     nd           82050  nd     nd           good condition; appears pregnant; but could not visualize fetus on ultrasound