/BCO-DMO/Seal_Response_to_Prey/seal_counts_2008 --day eq 18-- Level 1

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# Visual estimates of seal abundance from 2008 aerial surveys of the Salish Sea.
# Lead PI: Alejandro Acevedo-Gutierrez
# Version: 29 Aug 2012
date    month  day  year  
071808  07     18   2008  
site_code  lat      lon        
9.00       48.5240  -122.5520  
9.15       48.6831  -122.5009  
9.16       48.6536  -122.4955  
9.17       48.6438  -122.5766  
9.18       48.5595  -122.4690  
9.19       48.5595  -122.4690  
9.20       48.5569  -122.5203  
9.21       48.5390  -122.5127  
9.22       48.5201  -122.4953  
9.23       48.4806  -122.4866  
9.24       48.4729  -122.5146  
9.25       48.4860  -122.5392  
9.28       48.4408  -122.5574  
9.29       48.3742  -122.5617  
9.31       48.2921  -122.4029  
9.32       48.2715  -122.4423  
9.33       48.2220  -122.4310  
9.34       48.2098  -122.3957  
10.03      nd       nd         
11.00      nd       nd         
11.01      48.7494  -122.8338  
11.02      48.7450  -122.8200  
11.03      48.7439  -122.8159  
11.04      48.7483  -122.7160  
11.05      48.7038  -122.7739  
11.06      48.7084  -122.7647  
11.07      48.6935  -122.7564  
11.09      48.6402  -122.7507  
11.10      48.6422  -122.7451  
11.11      48.6340  -122.7575  
11.12      48.6351  -122.6892  
11.17      48.6326  -122.6210  
11.21      48.4932  -122.7515  
11.22      nd       nd         
11.26      48.4676  -122.7117  
11.27      48.4499  -122.7046  
11.28      48.4216  -122.8205  
11.29      48.4145  -122.8206  
11.30      48.4197  -122.8551  
11.31      48.4202  -122.8903  
11.34      48.4505  -122.7919  
11.36      48.6707  -122.6656  
11.37      48.6170  -122.6110  
12.00      nd       nd         
12.01      48.4353  -122.9108  
12.04      48.4408  -122.9011  
12.05      nd       nd         
12.09      48.4497  -122.9288  
12.10      48.4474  -122.9410  
12.13      48.4590  -122.9418  
12.14      48.4588  -122.9562  
12.15      48.4763  -122.9462  
12.16      48.4701  -122.9693  
12.18      48.4788  -122.9989  
12.20      48.5050  -123.0069  
12.22      48.5148  -122.9803  
12.25      48.5517  -122.9678  
12.27      48.5784  -122.9972  
12.30      nd       nd         
12.34      48.5910  -123.0329  
12.35      48.6009  -123.0978  
12.36      48.6033  -123.0921  
12.48      48.6123  -123.0360  
12.50      48.5893  -123.0243  
12.51      48.5357  -122.9630  
13.00      nd       nd         
13.02      48.7628  -122.8764  
13.03      48.7576  -122.8886  
13.04      48.7759  -122.8868  
13.05      nd       nd         
13.06      48.7260  -122.8928  
13.07      48.7890  -122.9681  
13.08      48.7298  -123.0131  
13.11      48.7334  -123.0340  
13.12      48.6697  -123.0719  
13.13      48.6456  -123.0858  
13.14      48.6512  -123.0885  
13.17      48.6563  -123.1298  
13.18      48.6549  -123.1454  
13.20      48.6503  -123.1341  
13.21      48.6483  -123.1250  
13.24      48.6401  -123.1511  
13.25      48.6401  -123.1558  
13.27      48.6231  -123.1595  
13.28      48.6244  -123.1835  
13.29      48.6199  -123.1803  
13.31      48.5977  -123.1691  
13.34      48.6394  -123.1384