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#  Illumina Sequencing From Deep Sea Sediments
#  PI: Peter Girguis (Harvard)
#  Contributor: Melissa Adams
#  Version date: 12 October 2018
sequence_accession_number  link                                                 Species_Names           description_of_the_types_of_sequences                                 locations_where_species_were_collected  latitude_dms       longitude_dms        latitude  longitude     Vessel       Dive_number  sequencing_and_analysis_methods                                             instrument_and_model                  Analysis_methods                                                                                        
SRX4556790                 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra/SRX4556790[accn]    cold seep metagenome    metagenomic sequencing of pushcore samples from hydrothermal vents    Hydrate Ridge                           44 34 10.20 N      125 8 48.48 W        44.5694   -125.1467     ROV Ropos    1458         PCR amplicon (from Archaea and Bacteria 16S universal primers 515F/806R)    Illumina MiSeq with Reagent Kit v3    Raw sequences generated using manufacturer's software and then quality filtered using QIIME V. 1.8.0    
SRX4556789                 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra/SRX4556789[accn]    cold seep metagenome    metagenomic sequencing of pushcore samples from hydrothermal vents    Middle Valley                           48 27 26.40 N      128 42 30.60 W       48.45722  -128.70861    DSV Alvin    4625         PCR amplicon (from Archaea and Bacteria 16S universal primers 515F/806R)    Illumina MiSeq with Reagent Kit v3    Raw sequences generated using manufacturer's software and then quality filtered using QIIME V. 1.8.0    
SRX4556788                 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra/SRX4556788[accn]    cold seep metagenome    metagenomic sequencing of pushcore samples from hydrothermal vents    Guaymas Basin                           27 0 27.84 N       111 24 27.84 W       27.0078   -111.4078     DSV Alvin    4486         PCR amplicon (from Archaea and Bacteria 16S universal primers 515F/806R)    Illumina MiSeq with Reagent Kit v3    Raw sequences generated using manufacturer's software and then quality filtered using QIIME V. 1.8.0