/BCO-DMO/Taxon-Specific_PCN_Production/diatom ---- Level 0
# Remineralization experiments - Diatoms:
# Time-series of nutrient measurements following the addition of
# Diatom derived POM to seawater.
# PI: Angelicque White (Oregon State University, CEOAS)
# Co-PI: Adina Paytan (UC Santa Cruz, IMS)
# Contact: Katie Watkins-Brandt (Oregon State University, CEOAS)
# Version: 27 April 2015
replicate taxon date_addition time_local_addition time_gmt_addition soluble_P soluble_N
A Diatom 03/16/2011 03:13:28 13:42:00 0.646 0.169
B Diatom 03/16/2011 4:15:15 14:43:00 0.465 0.203