/BCO-DMO/Zooplankton_Diel_Rhythm/AE1918_MOC_net ---- Level 1
# MOCNESS Net Data
# from R/V Atlantic Explorer cruise AE1918
# PI: Amy Maas (BIOS)
# Co-PIs: Leocadio Blanco-Bercited a (WHOI)
# n Ta orig (WHOI)
# Version date: 13-Nov-2019
# Nocoluminal vhe cruise:s addinal volumes (VOL) were wrong.
# New ter ced with r) water ced with real values after changing the calibration to 2.7.
# The incorrect VOL column has been removed.
# Please notice that, contrary to regular mocness net numbering (0 to 8) the net count starts at 1 (1 to 9).
tow date_start time_start ISO_DateTime_UTC_start cruise
01 2019-07-25 14:20:08 2019-07-25T14:20:08 AE1918
Date Time TC FC NewVol Pres Temp Cond Salinity Angle
190725 151902 1 105 353.4625862 597.8 15.624 45.0001 36.083 28.1
190725 153901 2 260 868.8413793 499.8 17.283 46.9749 36.367 28.9
190725 155121 3 168 525.825 400 18.387 48.2752 36.539 35.1
190725 160137 4 156 488.4113793 300.4 18.951 48.9138 36.616 34.4
190725 161237 5 166 533.7946552 198.7 19.396 49.3826 36.656 33.2
190725 161810 6 84 263.8877586 149.8 19.764 49.7984 36.697 34.8
190725 162643 7 135 413.7377586 74.2 21.329 51.4343 36.704 36.1
190725 163059 8 68 218.3368966 38.9 23.293 53.4595 36.652 33
190725 163456 9 59 189.1256897 0.8 28.807 59.7459 36.846 42.7